The Challenge of Industrial Control System (ICS) Security and Industry 4.0

IIoT enables unprecedented levels of real-time connectivity, dramatically increasing cybersecurity risks on the plant floor.  ICS networks have different operational requirements that impact the ability to adapt and respond to new threats – and open new paths for cyber-attacks.

As ICS stakeholders connect operational technology (OT) to enterprise information technology (IT) systems to improve operational efficiency, they should be aware that their vulnerability will increase as they raise their level of digitalization.  How Secure Are Your Industrial Control Systems?

compass Do you know what devices you have in your ICS environment?
USB Are you protected from the threat of removable media?
Arrows-Communication Do you know what kind of network traffic and communication is coming across your private networks?
notes Do you have a plan in place to protect your plant floor from malware attacks?
flying money Do you know what devices in your facilities present the most risk if affected by a cyber-attack?
Industrial Cybersecurity Do you have a process in place to ensure your critical systems are patched appropriately?

Where we can help!

Sandalwood clearly understands that cybersecurity priorities regarding factory floor systems differ from corporate. With our experience in setting up and implementing measures to thwart attempts to infiltrate ICS networks and equipment, we can help you secure your manufacturing environment from these threats.


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