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Manufacturing Cyber Security Access Control

There are numerous OT assets that were never intended to be connected to external facing networks. These assets often use generic accounts that may not have any access control preventing unauthorized users from gaining access. Does this sound like your OT space?

Computer Security

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

Ensuring only authorized users have access to OT devices is crucial to preventing cyber-attacks on the OT environment.

When building an OT Cyber Access Control strategy, it is essential to utilize a least privilege model to provide each user the minimum level of access required for their role. When plausible, two-factor authentication provides another layer of access control. Ideally, a centralized access control solution can be used, but in OT this is not always possible.

As part of our OT/ICS cyber security services, Sandalwood has built and implemented OT access control strategies for manufacturers to provide a means to authenticate users in the OT environment without causing downtime to production. By using proper access controls, we can help you protect your OT devices without risking the availability of those devices.

Where we can help!

Sandalwood has over 30 years’ experience working with global manufacturers helping them work smarter and work safer. Leveraging a standardized approach to achieve early sustainable value, we assist our clients to effectively apply their efforts to the right people, processes, and technology. Let us and our skilled partner network help you realize your vision.

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