248-848-9500 (U.S.) / 905-473-3404 (Canada) / +52-662-171-5137 (Mexico) / contactus@sandalwood.com

Through Sandalwood’s history, the team has been distributed in one way or another – whether we were each operating at various customer sites, working from a home office or at Sandalwood HQ.  In order to maintain our culture and ensure we’re living up to our mission, vision and core values, we have always prioritized in-person staff days.  These days, usually happening once or twice a year, provide a chance to get together as a team, catch-up, discuss Sandalwood news, internal and external updates, new tools, partners and technologies. We often do this in a fun location and there is always food!

Sound like a good perk?  Check out our Careers page for opportunities to join the Sandalwood team!