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Gardening and Ergonomics

Gardening and Ergonomics

Who doesn’t love having a cool, comfortable, beautiful garden that will enable you to take advantage of our current weather? To foster a good environment outside for your plants, you will have to place them in a sunny area, water them as needed, change the substratum...
Yoga at Work: How It Can Work For You

Yoga at Work: How It Can Work For You

Ever thought of doing yoga at work? It’s easier and more beneficial than you think. Here’s why: Yoga is an effective stress reducer.  This may also raise morale and encourage more positive thinking.  Physical benefits include increased flexibility and strength,...

Ergonomics at Home Tips

As we all know, the past year has drastically changed how we work.  Many of us are still working from home and may continue this arrangement for a long time to come. Here are some valuable tips that may help you work more comfortably and efficiently and with reduced...